Blog post #4

Science fiction writers have been discussing the greenhouse effect for decades, and the more recent term global warming is practically a given in contemporary science fiction’s views of a future Earth. But in warning about the possible effects of processes that are already underway, do writers run the risk of sensationalizing these real-life risks and leading readers to suspect that meaningful action is already hopeless, or can imaginative literature actually change attitudes and actions on such matters? 

Global warming is caused by increased concentrations of greenhouse gasses, mostly due to human activity. (like burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and farming) When the effects of global warming are shown in science fiction, it helps the readers get an idea of what will really happen if we don’t do anything about it (Increased temperatures around the globe, increased water levels, more disastrous storms) and should make them want to do something about it. On the other hand, some science fiction books show how we got through global warming and may make people think that it is not a problem and will be easily fixed or even avoided. I think that the fear struck into people thinking about what will happen if we do nothing, will make them want to do something about it.

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