Blog post #2

The generation-starship tale, in which a space voyage may last for centuries, provides authors with an opportunity to speculate on both the mechanics of space travel and the question of how to develop a sustainable society within a closed environment. What can such stories tell us about the nature of social organization and stratification in a world of measurably limited resources? In other words, what does a generation-starship teaches us about what is important in our society? 

  • The generation starship is a starship that is build to last over multiple generations. This idea in science fiction allows us to think about how to build a functioning society in a place with limited space and resources. The generation starship is a real concept and the only way we will be able to travel through deep space but, it comes with its fair share of problems. The first problem being making it sustainable while traveling through deep space. They need to think about the basics like power to run the ship, food to keep the residents alive, and water to drink and grow food. Security will also be a problem, imagine living in a building with 100,000 people and there is no police or security. Often in generation starship story’s the society goes crazy or they don’t remember their original mission, this is because most of the time they have created a different way of living/thinking than the people back home on earth. The generation starship teaches us that our views and ways of living on earth are rendered useless when your stuck floating on a big metal platform in space. On earth society has a goal, get of off earth and find another place to inhabit but when floating in deep space with no real goal, things can fall apart pretty quickly.

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